Uses of Celestolide(CAS No.:13171-00-1)

Celestolide'physical and chemical indicators
Celestolide'appearance: white solid crystal.

Celestolide'fragrance: It has a warm, pleasant and rich musky-like animal aroma, with a slight powdery and woody aroma. The aroma is soft and powerful, and has good durability.

Celestolide'melting point: 76.7~77.2℃, 112~114℃ (0.067kPa).

The boiling point is 112~114℃ (66.7Pa).

Flash point: greater than 100°C.

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Celestolide is obtained by cycloalkylation of tert-butylbenzene and isoprene in the presence of sulfuric acid and then acetylation in the presence of aluminum trichloride.

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Because of Celestolide'good stability, resistance to discoloration, and long-lasting fragrance, Celestolide is used as a fixative for cosmetic fragrances and soap fragrances.